Vue 3 Update Navigation Menu Link Emits And Handle Click

1.0.0·Last update Aug 21, 2024·

When using NavigationMenuLink together with NuxtLink according to the documentation the menu does not dismiss when clicking on a link.



< script lang = "ts" >
import type { PrimitiveProps } from '@/Primitive'
import { useForwardExpose } from '@/shared'
export type NavigationMenuLinkEmits = {
* Event handler called when the user selects a link (via mouse or keyboard).
* Calling `event.preventDefault` in this handler will prevent the navigation menu from closing when selecting that link.
select: [payload: MouseEvent]
export interface NavigationMenuLinkProps extends PrimitiveProps {
/** Used to identify the link as the currently active page. */
active ? : boolean
} <
script setup lang = "ts" >
import { nextTick } from 'vue'
import { Primitive } from '@/Primitive'
import { EVENT_ROOT_CONTENT_DISMISS } from './utils'
// const LINK_SELECT = "navigationMenu.linkSelect";
const props = withDefaults(defineProps < NavigationMenuLinkProps > (), {
as: 'a',
const emits = defineEmits < NavigationMenuLinkEmits > ()
async function handleClick(ev: MouseEvent) {
emits('select', linkSelectEvent)
await nextTick()
if (!ev.defaultPrevented && !ev.metaKey) {
const rootContentDismissEvent = new CustomEvent(
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
} <
template >
Primitive: as = "as": data - active = "active ? '' : undefined": aria - current = "active ? 'page' : undefined": as - child = "props.asChild"
data - radix - vue - collection - item
@click = "handleClick" >
slot / >
/Primitive> <


< script lang = "ts" >
import type { PrimitiveProps } from '@/Primitive'
import { useForwardExpose } from '@/shared'
export type NavigationMenuLinkEmits = {
* Event handler called when the user selects a link (via mouse or keyboard).
* Calling `event.preventDefault` in this handler will prevent the navigation menu from closing when selecting that link.
select: [payload: CustomEvent < { originalEvent: Event } > ]
export interface NavigationMenuLinkProps extends PrimitiveProps {
/** Used to identify the link as the currently active page. */
active ? : boolean
} <
script setup lang = "ts" >
import { Primitive } from '@/Primitive'
const props = withDefaults(defineProps < NavigationMenuLinkProps > (), {
as: 'a',
const emits = defineEmits < NavigationMenuLinkEmits > ()
async function handleClick(ev: MouseEvent) {
const linkSelectEvent = new CustomEvent(LINK_SELECT, {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
detail: {
originalEvent: ev,
emits('select', linkSelectEvent)
if (!linkSelectEvent.defaultPrevented && !ev.metaKey) {
const rootContentDismissEvent = new CustomEvent(
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
} <
template >
Primitive: as = "as": data - active = "active ? '' : undefined": aria - current = "active ? 'page' : undefined": as - child = "props.asChild"
data - radix - vue - collection - item
@click = "handleClick" >
slot / >
/Primitive> <

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