Valtio/V2/Deep Clone Proxy Objects

1.0.1·Last update Aug 30, 2024·

In Valtio v2, the behavior of the proxy(obj) function has changed. In v1, proxy(obj) was a pure function that deeply copied the object obj. In v2, proxy(obj) is an impure function that deeply modifies obj. This codemod updates your code to accommodate these changes by incorporating deepClone to ensure that objects are deeply copied as they were in v1.



import { proxy } from 'valtio';
const state = proxy({ count: 1, obj: { text: 'hi' } });
state.obj = { text: 'hello' };


import { proxy } from 'valtio';
import { deepClone } from 'valtio/utils';
const state = proxy(deepClone({ count: 1, obj: { text: 'hi' } }));
state.obj = deepClone({ text: 'hello' });

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